3864 US 127 South, Frankfort, KY 40601 | Sunday 9:30-10:15AM Passion and Prayer, 10:30AM Main Gathering, Friday Family Ministry 7PM
taking the church to the people...
Following Jesus!
In every Western movie, a rider will get off his horse, look down at the ground at footprints, and tell the rest of his posse that they're on the right road, following just behind the people they're tracking. We believe we've found the footsteps of Jesus and we are eagerly pursuing him in life. 20 years ago a few people met in a living room to have church... history has shown that God had a plan to plant a new church on the West Side of Frankfort as they followed Jesus.
In January of 2016 New Harvest discerned that
Scott Bowman and his family should come to help lead the church to a new season. The church's DNA is founded on Outreach. It is our utmost desire to reach people with the Gospel message. We hope you would consider coming on this wild ride called Christianity. The book of Acts reads like a roller coaster ride of change, transformation, and excitement and we aim to be like the early church as much as we can in our context. We are excited about the future and look forward to what will happen next!

Scott Bowman is the New Harvest pastor and a Doctor of Ministry (Southeastern University Lakeland, FL). Scott is also the campus chaplain/pastor at Stewart Home and School in Frankfort. He hopes to bring a clear and encouraging understanding of living life like Jesus. Rather than asking WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?), we should just DWJD (Do What Jesus Did), in this way marrying belief and practice. Scott and Rebecca have four children and a great love and passion for the church.
Email Scott Bowman at: scottbowman215@yahoo.com
Ryan brings will bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to our congregation. Not only has Ryan passionately been involved in the worship ministry most of his life. Ryan is a retired Lexington Fireman and currently works his family farm in Lawrenceburg, KY. Like all Christians, Ryan has his own unique testimony of trials and tribulations, but he considers himself to be a living example of how God can make beauty from ashes. Ryan shares a clear vision with New Harvest in being an outwardly-focused, missional church, and we feel God has led him to us so we may utilize his experiences in worship ministry as our church grows.
You can contact Ryan Chrisman at doghouserecording@yahoo.com

Jennifer is one of the most committed members to discipling young people we have ever seen. Jennifer oversees all areas of family life and health. Jennifer uses the family integrated model and SOAP bible study method to make sure every child that comes to New Harvest knows how to sit down, read the scriptures, and interpret them accurately. This is so every child can foster a relationship with Jesus no matter where they go in life.
Email Jennifer Payton at: refinnejs@msn.com